I got my twitter around the same time that I joined a sorority. I started out only following people in my sorority so that I could get to know them through their tweets and interact with them. I also followed my other friends here at Lehigh. My friends from back home don't have a twitter, they find that tumblr and Facebook are enough social media for them.
Then, through recommendations for people to follow on twitter, I followed various Lehigh parody accounts and a couple of "Total sorority move"accounts. I also followed some celebrities. Ellen Degeneres was the first I followed. I also follow her on Stamped. I also followed Wanda Sykes and Taylor Swift. Ellen is the only one who tweets often.
Now, thanks to this class, I follow Lehigh Valley with Love and some news sources. I'm working on the rest of the lists recommended for the class.
I still mostly only follow my friends, and most of my tweets are still just interactions between the girl who made me make my twitter and I.
Please consider Twitter as a tool beyond your personal communications. When you start to see how other accounts are using it, you'll get a better sense of the community you will be addressing in your future communication strategies. It's not just about personal comsumption.